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Reach millions of people with
your own Web Site.

Dancers4.jpg (10472 bytes)Wherever you are in the world Quartz Productions will design a website for you. Just send your text and pictures to us via snail mail or email and we will do the rest.


Our standard design costs £475 for 5 pages of text and 5 pictures or graphics.

Dancers4.jpg (10472 bytes)If you require more pages or graphics that is no problem. We can also incorporate features such as frames, video, sound, animations, order forms, moving text, Front Page extensions as well as advertising banners and links to external sites.

We will give you a firm quote before we start work as well as a completion date. 

We can also upload the website for you and offer advice on choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP).  If you are in the UK you can even get free access to the Internet, free webspace and free email.

If you would like your own web site but are still unsure what you have to do, or you require further assistance, please contact us and we will endeavour to answer your queries!

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